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Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park: Tanzania’s Hidden Gem

Nestled in the northern circuit of Tanzania, Tarangire National Park is a hidden gem among the country’s renowned wildlife destinations. This captivating park, covering approximately 2,850 square kilometers, is named after the Tarangire River, a vital water source that meanders through its vast savannahs and woodlands. Here’s a glimpse of what makes Tarangire a unique and must-visit safari destination:

Moria Safaris

Key features of Serengeti National Park

1. Tarangire National Park is one of Tanzania's most renowned wildlife conservation areas, and it is celebrated for its unique features and incredible biodiversity. Here are some key features that make Tarangire National Park a remarkable and distinctive destination:

Diverse Wildlife: Tarangire is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including large herds of elephants, lions, leopards, and cheetahs. It's also known for its abundant birdlife, with hundreds of species that make it a paradise for birdwatchers.

Baobab Trees: The park is dotted with iconic and massive baobab trees, which provide a unique and picturesque landscape. These ancient trees create a surreal backdrop for wildlife viewing and photography.

      1. Tarangire River: The Tarangire River flows through the park and serves as a crucial water source during the dry season. It attracts large gatherings of animals, making it an ideal spot for game viewing.

      2. Migration of Wildlife: Tarangire hosts the annual migration of wildebeests and zebras, though on a smaller scale compared to the Serengeti. The park's river system plays a significant role in this migration, drawing various animals.

      3. Less Crowded: Compared to some of the more famous parks like the Serengeti and Ngorongoro, Tarangire is often less crowded, providing a more tranquil and exclusive safari experience.

      4. Photographic Opportunities: The park's varied terrain, wildlife, and baobab trees offer fantastic photographic opportunities, particularly during the golden hours of sunrise and sunset.

      5. Bushwalks and Night Safaris: Tarangire allows guided bushwalks and night safaris, offering a different perspective on the park's flora and fauna. These activities provide a more intimate connection with the environment.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Tarangire National Park in Tanzania depends on your specific interests and what you hope to experience during your safari. Tarangire offers unique attractions year-round, but the optimal time may vary based on various factors. Here are the primary considerations for the best time to visit Tarangire National Park:


1. Dry Season (June to October):

  • June to September: This is generally considered the best time to visit Tarangire. The weather is dry, the vegetation is less dense, and animals gather around the Tarangire River and other water sources. Wildlife viewing is excellent during this period, and you’re more likely to spot large herds of elephants, lions, and other animals.
  • October: The latter part of the dry season can be hot and dry. Wildlife sightings are still good, but it’s advisable to schedule your activities for early mornings and late afternoons to avoid the midday heat.

2. Early November:

  • Early November can offer good wildlife viewing opportunities. The dry season is transitioning into the short rains, and the landscape is still relatively open. It’s a quieter time to visit before the holiday season rush.

3. Wet Season (November to May):

  • November: This is the start of the short rainy season. The park begins to transform with lush, green landscapes. While the short rains don’t usually deter visitors, wildlife may be more dispersed, and some roads could become muddy.
  • December to May: These months constitute the wet season. Wildlife disperses even more as water becomes abundant across the park. While this isn’t the prime time for big game viewing, it is fantastic for birdwatching. Birdlife is prolific during these months, and you’ll see migratory species.

4. Birdwatching Season:

  • If you’re particularly interested in birdwatching, the wet season (November to May) is ideal. The park becomes a haven for various bird species, making it a paradise for bird enthusiasts.

5. Fewer Crowds:

  • The wet season typically sees fewer tourists, so if you prefer a quieter and more exclusive experience, visiting during this time can be advantageous.

Remember that wildlife is more challenging to spot during the wet season because animals disperse across the park in search of water and food. If you prioritize game viewing, the dry season remains the top choice. However, each season offers its own unique charm, and the best time to visit Tarangire depends on your specific interests and preferences.

For optimal game viewing, consider visiting during the dry season from late June to October. The animals congregate around water sources, making them easier to spot.

  • For the best game viewing and wildlife sightings, consider visiting during the dry season, which typically runs from late June to October. During this time, the vegetation is less dense, and animals congregate around water sources, making them easier to spot.

  • The dry season is also when predators are particularly active, as they take advantage of the concentrated prey.



Birdwatchers will find the wet season (November to May) rewarding, as migratory bird species are present.

  • Birdwatchers should plan their visit during the wet season, which spans from November to May. Migratory bird species are present during this time, offering excellent opportunities for birdwatching.

  • The lush green landscapes during the wet season also provide a beautiful backdrop for photography.


Balloon safaris offer a thrilling and unique way to experience the beauty and wildlife of Tarangire National Park in Tanzania. Drifting silently above the landscape in a hot air balloon allows you to witness the park’s stunning scenery and observe its diverse wildlife from an entirely different perspective. Here’s an overview of what you can expect during a balloon safari in Tarangire:

1. Early Morning Adventure: Balloon safaris in Tarangire typically start early in the morning, before sunrise. You’ll be picked up from your lodge or camp and driven to the launch site in the park while it’s still dark.

2. Inflation and Takeoff: At the launch site, you can watch as the crew inflates the hot air balloon, which is an exciting process in itself. Once the balloon is fully inflated, your pilot will provide a safety briefing and assist you in boarding the basket.

3. A Bird’s-Eye View: As the balloon ascends, you’ll have the incredible opportunity to enjoy a panoramic, bird’s-eye view of the park’s landscapes. You’ll see the Tarangire River winding through the plains, the iconic baobab trees, lush greenery, and the vast wilderness below.

4. Wildlife Sightings: One of the highlights of a balloon safari is the chance to spot wildlife from above. Tarangire is known for its abundant wildlife, and you may see herds of elephants, giraffes, zebras, antelopes, and perhaps even predators like lions and leopards.

5. Silent Drifting: One of the most enchanting aspects of a balloon safari is the near-silent experience. The absence of engine noise allows you to appreciate the sounds of nature and the movements of animals on the ground without disturbance.

6. Guided by the Winds: Balloon safaris are subject to the winds’ direction, so your pilot will skillfully navigate the balloon to different altitudes and positions to provide you with the best possible views and photography opportunities.

7. Landing and Champagne Breakfast: After approximately an hour of drifting, your pilot will guide the balloon to a suitable landing spot. Upon landing, you’ll be greeted with a champagne breakfast in the heart of the Tarangire wilderness. It’s a unique and memorable way to celebrate your safari adventure.

8. Certificate of Completion: Most balloon safari operators provide participants with a certificate of completion as a memento of this extraordinary experience.

Balloon safaris in Tarangire National Park offer a magical and serene way to connect with the park’s stunning landscapes and wildlife. The combination of a breathtaking sunrise, wildlife sightings, and the sense of floating above the African savannah creates an unforgettable adventure that complements traditional game drives and walking safaris. It’s an experience that allows you to appreciate the wild beauty of Tarangire from a different vantage point.

While Tarangire National Park is primarily celebrated for its abundant wildlife and stunning landscapes, it also offers unique cultural experiences that allow visitors to connect with the local communities and learn about the traditional cultures of the region. Here are some cultural experiences you can enjoy in and around Tarangire National Park:

1. Maasai Communities:

  • The Maasai people are one of the most well-known indigenous tribes in East Africa, and their traditional lands encompass areas around Tarangire National Park. Visitors can arrange cultural visits to Maasai villages to learn about their unique way of life, traditions, and customs.
  • These visits often include interactions with Maasai warriors, witnessing traditional dances, and exploring their distinctive beaded jewelry and clothing. You may even have the opportunity to participate in activities like spear throwing and fire making.

2. Barabaig Cultural Encounters:

  • The Barabaig, another indigenous group in the region, offer cultural experiences for visitors interested in their way of life. Their unique customs, including their close relationship with cattle and traditional medicinal practices, can be fascinating to learn about.

3. Local Markets and Craft Cooperatives:

  • The towns and villages surrounding Tarangire National Park, such as Mto wa Mbu and Karatu, feature vibrant markets and craft cooperatives where you can explore and purchase traditional crafts, artwork, jewelry, and textiles made by local artisans.
  • These markets provide an opportunity to engage with local vendors, support their livelihoods, and take home meaningful souvenirs.

4. Local Cuisine:

  • Sample traditional Tanzanian and Maasai cuisine at local restaurants or during cultural visits. Traditional dishes like nyama choma (grilled meat), ugali (maize porridge), and pilau (spiced rice) provide a delicious taste of the region’s culinary heritage.

5. Historical and Cultural Sites:

  • Visit historical and cultural sites in nearby towns like Karatu or Mto wa Mbu. For example, the vibrant Mto wa Mbu village offers a diverse mix of cultural influences, and you can explore its art projects, workshops, and multi-ethnic communities.

6. Local Guides and Interactions:

  • Many local guides in and around Tarangire National Park are from indigenous communities and are eager to share their cultural knowledge and stories. Engaging with these guides during game drives and guided walks can provide valuable insights into the local culture.

7. Cultural Festivals and Events:

  • Depending on the timing of your visit, you might have the opportunity to attend cultural festivals and events in the area, which showcase traditional music, dance, and rituals. These celebrations offer an authentic look into the local culture.

Tarangire National Park’s cultural experiences offer a well-rounded perspective of the region’s heritage and the daily lives of its people. These interactions provide a deeper appreciation of the cultural tapestry that complements the park’s stunning natural beauty and diverse wildlife.

Avoiding crowds in Tarangire National Park can enhance your wildlife viewing experience and provide a more peaceful and intimate connection with the park’s natural beauty. Here are some strategies to minimize crowds while visiting Tarangire:

  1. Visit During the Shoulder Seasons:

    • Consider visiting during the shoulder seasons, which fall between the peak tourist seasons. These include early November and March to May. The weather is still favorable for safaris, and there are fewer tourists in the park.
  2. Weekdays Over Weekends:

    • Plan your visit on weekdays rather than weekends. Weekends tend to attract more local and international tourists, while weekdays are often quieter.
  3. Morning and Late Afternoon Game Drives:

    • Schedule your game drives for early mornings and late afternoons. Wildlife is more active during these times, and the park is generally less crowded.
  4. Private Safaris:

    • Consider booking a private safari or tour. While this option may be more expensive, it provides you with a more personalized experience and the flexibility to tailor your itinerary to your preferences.
  5. Guided Bushwalks and Night Safaris:

    • Guided bushwalks and night safaris are typically less crowded than traditional game drives. These activities allow you to explore the park’s flora and fauna at a more relaxed pace.
  6. Choose Lesser-Visited Routes:

    • Opt for routes or areas within the park that are less frequented by tourists. Your tour operator can help you explore quieter sections of the park.
  7. Stay in Less Popular Lodges and Camps:

    • Choose accommodations that are not as well-known or are situated outside the main areas of the park. Some lodges and camps within the park can be more crowded, so staying in more secluded options can provide a quieter experience.
  8. Respect Quiet Zones: Some areas in the park are designated as quiet zones to minimize human impact on wildlife. Adhering to these regulations not only supports conservation efforts but also contributes to a quieter and more peaceful environment.

  9. Extend Your Stay: Spend more time in Tarangire if your schedule allows. Longer stays allow you to explore the park at your own pace and avoid the rush of one-day visitors.

By following these tips and planning your visit thoughtfully, you can enjoy a more serene and exclusive experience in Tarangire National Park, enabling you to fully appreciate its natural wonders and wildlife without the distractions of larger crowds.

Accommodation options in and around Tarangire National Park cater to a range of preferences and budgets, providing visitors with comfortable and convenient places to stay while enjoying their safari adventures. Here’s an overview of the types of accommodations you can find in and around Tarangire National Park:

1. Safari Lodges:

  • Tarangire features a variety of safari lodges, ranging from mid-range to luxury. These lodges offer comfortable rooms, exceptional dining, and often stunning views of the park or surrounding landscapes.
  • Examples of safari lodges in and around Tarangire National Park include the Tarangire Treetops Lodge, Tarangire Safari Lodge, and Swala Camp.

2. Tented Camps:

  • Tented camps offer an authentic safari experience, with spacious canvas tents that provide a connection to the natural surroundings. These camps often have en-suite facilities and provide a blend of comfort and immersion in the wild.
  • Options like Maramboi Tented Camp and Lake Burunge Tented Camp offer a true safari atmosphere with modern amenities.

3. Luxury Lodges:

  • For visitors seeking a high-end experience, there are luxury lodges that provide top-notch services, gourmet dining, and exquisite accommodations. These lodges often offer exclusive experiences and amenities.
  • Luxurious options in the area include Oliver’s Camp, Little Chem Chem, and Lemala Tarangire.

4. Permanent Tented Camps:

  • Permanent tented camps offer a mix of traditional camping and modern comforts. They are equipped with en-suite facilities and often feature intimate settings with fewer guests.
  • Examples of permanent tented camps in the vicinity include Kuro Tarangire and Tarangire River Camp.

5. Campsites:

  • Tarangire National Park offers designated campsites for visitors who prefer a closer connection to nature. Campers need to bring their own camping gear, and it’s essential to check the park’s camping regulations and facilities.

6. Cultural and Eco-Lodges:

  • Some accommodations in the region are committed to sustainable and eco-friendly practices. These lodges and camps often feature cultural interactions and immersive experiences, allowing guests to connect with local communities and learn about their traditions.

7. Accommodations Outside the Park:

  • Visitors also have the option to stay in lodges and camps situated just outside the park’s boundaries. These accommodations are often more budget-friendly, and they offer easy access to Tarangire for day trips and safaris.

8. Self-Catering Options:

  • For those looking for a more independent experience, self-catering cottages and lodges are available. These accommodations come with kitchen facilities, allowing guests to prepare their meals.

When planning your stay in Tarangire National Park, it’s advisable to book accommodations well in advance, particularly during the high tourist season. The variety of lodging options, from luxurious lodges to more budget-friendly camps, ensures there’s something for everyone, making it possible to find the perfect place to stay while exploring the park’s stunning landscapes and remarkable wildlife.

Serengeti NP Packages


Moria Safaris is a top Tanzanian tour operator, an operator with experience, expertise, and, most importantly, your best interests at heart. We welcome you to explore the unparalleled natural beauty of East Africa. You’ll find native traditional tribes, hidden waterfalls, dazzling white sands, volcanic craters, and ice-capped mountain peaks all within hours of each other


Kaloleni mashariki
Arusha 23103

