What to expect on a safari in Tanzania?

Moria safaris

A journey to Tanzania

Africa has a special magic – sunsets so beautiful that time stands still, remote locations where the brilliance of the night stars truly takes your breath away and encounters with nature that will change how you see the world.

The best and most interesting way to experience nature in Africa is on a wildlife safari, which allows visitors to get close to wild animals in their natural habitat, all while supporting national environmental conservation efforts in the form of protected areas or national parks.

When, while the lovely valley teems with

vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me: when I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath of that universal love which bears and sustains us, as it floats around us in an eternity of blist.

When it comes to selecting from the diverse array of African nations for your safari adventure, Tanzania should undoubtedly be your foremost choice. Embarking on a safari in Tanzania transcends the realm of a mere vacation; it is a profound travel experience that will captivate your heart with the allure of nature and immerse you in the unparalleled splendor of the untamed wilderness.

Tanzania holds a special place in history, as it was here that Jane Goodall forged an indelible connection with chimpanzees. Her transformative encounter at Gombe National Park not only reshaped the course of her life but also fueled her passion to effect positive change on a global scale.

Furthermore, Tanzania stands as the hallowed ground where Louis and Mary Leakey unearthed one of the most monumental archaeological discoveries on our planet—Olduvai Gorge. This historic site continues to be meticulously excavated, unveiling invaluable insights into our ancient past.

Tanzania’s breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural tapestry have served as a wellspring of inspiration for artists and writers throughout the ages, including literary luminary Ernest Hemingway, whose renowned work “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” pays homage to the country’s majestic terrain and spirit.

What is a Safari?

In essence, a safari, derived from the Swahili word for “journey” and the root of “to travel” in East Africa, represents a distinct departure from the typical vacation. Tanzania stands out as the premier African destination for safaris, boasting the continent’s most expansive national parks, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and the loftiest peak in Africa.

The compelling evidence of Tanzania’s preeminence in the realm of safaris is epitomized by the repeated recognition of Serengeti National Park as the “Best Safari Destination” among numerous African national parks, a title it has secured for consecutive years.

In this light, a safari transcends the boundaries of a conventional vacation, becoming an extraordinary African travel experience. While other destinations, like Thailand or India, may promote “safaris,” these excursions for wildlife viewing pale in comparison to the authentic African safari experience and lack historical ties to the Swahili origins of the term

Need even more reasons to choose Tanzania as your safari destination?

  • The Great Wildebeest Migration has the largest movement of animals in the world (well, after the migration of bats, but it is not that spectacular)! And it occurs in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park for nine months a year!
  • It is only in Tanzania where you can combine your safari adventure with climbing the highest mountain in Africa – Mount Kilimanjaro.
  • Tanzania is the only location where one of the rarest gemstones in the world – Tanzanite – has ever been found.
  • Tanzania has the largest population density of animals and diversity of animals compared to any other African country. Here, you are sure to witness healthy herds of elephants and can visit a rhino sanctuary where rangers are working to save the endangered black rhino species. Also, the largest population of lions on the planet is in Tanzania.
  • While it is true that park fees to enter Tanzanian national parks are higher than neighboring countries, without question, the parks of Tanzania offer a higher-quality experience for an African safariA Tanzanian National Park safari encompasses several key elements:
    1. Guided Game Drives: A quintessential African safari experience involves embarking on a game drive led by a knowledgeable guide within designated protected areas. Your driver-guide will provide insights about the environment, wildlife, and fauna you encounter while affording you the opportunity to capture stunning photographs.
    2. Walking Safaris and Tree Top Walks: In select locations, such as Arusha National Park, you may have the chance to partake in a “walking safari,” allowing you to explore on foot while maintaining a sustainable and environmentally responsible approach. Additionally, destinations like Manyara National Park offer a “Tree Top Walk” option, enabling you to hike or ascend near animals in a manner that prioritizes both environmental and physical safety.
    3. Evening Retreat: Following your safari adventures, you will retire to comfortable accommodations, which can range from lodges to camps. Here, you can bask in the glory of a mesmerizing African sunset and relish a delectable meal while reminiscing about the thrill and wonder of your day’s escapades.

    Things that make a safari in Tanzania special


    Tanzania has the largest biodiversity of animals in Africa, making it hands-down the best location for a wildlife safari.

    Exploring Tanzania’s northern parks and attractions reveals why the country is a highly sought-after destination for wildlife safaris:

    1. Ngorongoro Crater: Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Ngorongoro Crater boasts the world’s highest animal population density per square meter. Visitors have the chance to witness the endangered black rhino here, making it an exceptional conservation area where nature thrives.
    2. Serengeti National Park: Another UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Serengeti stands out for its unique ecosystem, hosting the highest number of ungulates on Earth and an unparalleled concentration of predators. Witness the awe-inspiring wildebeest migration either from the air, in a chartered plane, or through a hot air balloon adventure.
    3. Manyara National Park: At Manyara, guests can observe tree-climbing lions, vast flocks of pink flamingos, diverse bird species, and one of Africa’s largest troops of baboons. The newly constructed “Tree Top Walk” offers a unique perspective on the park’s remarkable birdlife.
    4. Tarangire National Park: Known for its sizable elephant population, Tarangire is a haven for elephant families, particularly during the dry season when zebras, wildebeests, lions, cheetahs, and leopards gather around its ample river for water.
    5. Arusha National Park: Home to the iconic Mount Meru, the second-highest peak in Tanzania, Arusha National Park offers walking safaris through grasslands, providing close encounters with giraffes, zebras, and Cape Buffalo under the guidance of professional park rangers.
    6. Kilimanjaro National Park: This park is where Africa’s highest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro, resides. Climbing this remarkable peak is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, with Moria offering exceptional Kilimanjaro treks as private climbs or group tours.

    In addition to these incredible attractions, Tanzania stands out for its commitment to conservation, with a quarter of the nation designated as national parks or official conservation areas. This dedication ensures vast areas of untouched wilderness where wildlife flourishes, including the famous Great Migration.

    Tanzania’s pristine landscapes provide a haven for photographers of all levels, offering opportunities to capture the vibrant African plains, intricate bird nests, and the majestic big cats prowling through the grasslands. Expect an unforgettable safari experience in Tanzania, where nature thrives in its unspoiled state, away from human habitation.

    Comfortable safari cars

    The Tanzanian tourism industry maintains a high level of standard, which extends to safari vehicles. When you book with Altezza Travel, there is no compromise of driving in a van for your safari – you will certainly be in a modern, comfortable safari vehicle.

    Our safari cars come with Wi-Fi internet, a fridge for cool drinks, electric outlets to charge devices on-the-go, air conditioning and extendable tops. The option to lift up the roof of the safari car means better viewing all around for a fun safari adventure.

    Luxury lodges and camps

    Accommodations in Tanzania have earned a reputation for excellent hospitality. There are many award-winning camps and lodges throughout national parks that cater to high-end clientele.

    Visitors to Tanzania are sure to have a luxury experience throughout their stay. You may be in a remote location on the edge of the Tarangire River, the Serengeti plains or with an exquisite view of the Great Rift Valley; but you’re sure to be drinking fine wine, eating chef-prepared meals and be offered all the luxuries of any four or five-star hotel.

    Professional safari guides

    Moria has carefully chosen top-rated hotels, and our staff members frequent these establishments to ensure the quality and service that our guests receive is consistent with our own high standards.

    Moria takes great care in selecting professional safari guides with extensive field experience and a deep understanding of Tanzania’s flora, fauna, and history. Your safari journey promises to be both memorable and educational as our guides offer engaging insights into the remarkable facets of nature and the behaviors of Africa’s wildlife.

    Even during extended hours spent in vehicles, families who bring their children on safaris often discover that the experience opens their young ones’ minds to nature in an entirely new and captivating way. In comparison, electronic devices pale in comparison to the sheer excitement of witnessing the wild in its unfiltered glory.

    Our guides consistently earn glowing reviews from our guests, thanks to their professional and personable approach. Moria guides are renowned for elevating the traditional safari experience, exceeding expectations with their warm and friendly.

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